Some of Roger Newson's Stata packages

These can be downloaded from two sites, namely from the the Statistical Software components (SSC) archive site and from this website. A user who wants the latest version of a package should download from SSC, if the user's version of Stata is ccompatible with the latest version of the package. The download facility on this website is mainly provided for users of superseded versions of Stata, who need to download a superseded version of the package, written in the user's Stata version, or in an earlier version.

Downloading Roger Newson's packages from SSC
Downloading Roger Newson's packages from this website
List of all versions of all Stata packages on this website

Whichever download source is used, the user may want to download the latest versions of all the packages, or at least the latest version of each package that can work on the user's version of Stata. This is because these packages are often used together, as a dialect of the Stata language. I have therefore provided do-files to describe, install and uninstall these maximal sets of package versions from each source. These do-files can be downloaded from the sections of this page corresponding to the two download sources, and then run in Stata using the run or do commands.

Downloading Roger Newson's packages from SSC
Downloading Roger Newson's packages from this website
List of all versions of all Stata packages on this website

Users who have installed the full set of packages for their versions of Stata may also write do-files to be run using the dolog package, taking advantage of this and other installed packages. I have therefore provided template (or crib) do-files for Stata versions 9 or higher. These can be downloaded from the table below.

Do-file templates for download

Do-file nameDescriptionStata versionDownload
crib18.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1818Download
crcrib18.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1818Download
rtfcrib18.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1818Download
htmcrib18.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1818Download
docxcrib18.doTemplate for .docx document generating do-files in Stata Version 1818Download
crib17.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1717Download
crcrib17.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1717Download
rtfcrib17.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1717Download
htmcrib17.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1717Download
docxcrib17.doTemplate for .docx document generating do-files in Stata Version 1717Download
crib16.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1616Download
crcrib16.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1616Download
rtfcrib16.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1616Download
htmcrib16.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1616Download
docxcrib16.doTemplate for .docx document generating do-files in Stata Version 1616Download
crib15.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1515Download
crcrib15.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1515Download
rtfcrib15.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1515Download
htmcrib15.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1515Download
crib14.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1414Download
crcrib14.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1414Download
rtfcrib14.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1414Download
htmcrib14.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1414Download
crib13.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1313Download
crcrib13.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1313Download
rtfcrib13.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1313Download
htmcrib13.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1313Download
crib12.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1212Download
crcrib12.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1212Download
rtfcrib12.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1212Download
htmcrib12.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1212Download
crib11.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1111Download
crcrib11.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1111Download
rtfcrib11.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1111Download
htmcrib11.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1111Download
crib10.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1010Download
crcrib10.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 1010Download
rtfcrib10.doTemplate for RTF document generating do-files in Stata Version 1010Download
htmcrib10.doTemplate for HTML document generating do-files in Stata Version 1010Download
crib9.doTemplate for semicolon-delimited do-files in Stata Version 99Download
crcrib9.doTemplate for carriage-return-delimited do-files in Stata Version 99Download

To find more about Stata statistical software, click here.

Downloading Roger Newson's packages from SSC
Downloading Roger Newson's packages from this website
List of all versions of all Stata packages on this website
Statistical Software components (SSC) archive site
Stata Corporation
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Return to Roger Newson's main resource page

Downloading Roger Newson's packages from SSC

I usually follow a policy of distributing my Stata programs mainly from the Statistical Software components (SSC) archive site. Users of the latest version of Stata can download my programs from there, using the ssc command in Stata. Users of earlier versions of Stata should check that a package is written in the user's Stata version, or in an earlier version, before downloading it from SSC.

To help users of the latest Stata version to download my packages from SSC, I have written 3 Stata do-files, and, which users can download from this page. attempts to describe the current versions, on SSC, of the packages, using the ssc describe command. attempts to install, on the user's site, the current versions, on SSC, of the packages, using the ssc install command, and replacing all existing versions of these packages. attempts to uninstall, on the user's site, all of my SSC packages (but does not attempt to uninstall any other SSC packages provided by other authors). The user therefore may install (and uninstall) all my packages at once, instead of installing (and uninstalling) them one by one. This option is useful, as these packages are often used together as a dialect of the Stata language.

To execute these do-files in a Stata session, download them from this page to your local folder. Then, type, in Stata,

do descasisay

to execute, and/or type, in Stata,

do instasisay

to execute, and/or type, in Stata,

do uninstasisay

to execute

Do-files to describe, install and uninstall Stata packages from SSC

Do-file nameDescriptionStata versionDownload
descasisay.doDescribe Roger Newson's packages from SSCNoneDownload
instasisay.doInstall Roger Newson's packages from SSCNoneDownload
uninstasisay.doUninstall Roger Newson's packages from SSCNoneDownload

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Downloading Roger Newson's packages from this website

The SSC archive is maintained by Kit Baum, who does an excellent job, and is greatly appreciated in the Stata Community for this. However, SSC only stores one version of a package with a given name. Therefore, if I distribute the Stata Version 15 version of a package on SSC, then users who only have Stata Versions 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5 can no longer download the Stata 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5 versions from SSC.

I have tried to solve this problem by having my own site, which contains a separate folder for packages written in each Stata version. Users are advised to access them inside Web-aware Stata, using the commands

findit package_name


net search package_name


net from

if the user's version of Stata supports one of those commands.

I have provided some Stata do-files for use by users of versions of Stata from version 9 upwards, which a user can run in Stata, to describe and install, from my website, the latest version of each Stata package compatible with the version of Stata used by the user. I have also provided do-files to uninstall each of these sets of packages. All of these do-files can be downloaded from the table below.

Do-files to describe, install and uninstall Stata packages from this website

Do-file nameDescriptionStata versionDownload
descasisay_18.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 18NoneDownload
instasisay_18.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 18NoneDownload
uninstasisay_18.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 18NoneDownload
descasisay_17.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 17NoneDownload
instasisay_17.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 17NoneDownload
uninstasisay_17.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 17NoneDownload
descasisay_16.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 16NoneDownload
instasisay_16.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 16NoneDownload
uninstasisay_16.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 16NoneDownload
descasisay_15.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 15NoneDownload
instasisay_15.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 15NoneDownload
uninstasisay_15.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 15NoneDownload
descasisay_14.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 14NoneDownload
instasisay_14.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 14NoneDownload
uninstasisay_14.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 14NoneDownload
descasisay_13.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 13NoneDownload
instasisay_13.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 13NoneDownload
uninstasisay_13.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 13NoneDownload
descasisay_12.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 12NoneDownload
instasisay_12.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 12NoneDownload
uninstasisay_12.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 12NoneDownload
descasisay_11.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 11NoneDownload
instasisay_11.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 11NoneDownload
uninstasisay_11.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 11NoneDownload
descasisay_10.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 10NoneDownload
instasisay_10.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 10NoneDownload
uninstasisay_10.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 10NoneDownload
descasisay_9.doDescribe packages in Stata versions up to 9NoneDownload
instasisay_9.doInstall packages in Stata versions up to 9NoneDownload
uninstasisay_9.doUninstall packages in Stata versions up to 9NoneDownload

However, if the user cannot download the package version using Stata, or does not want to, then s/he can download the package versions (as .zip files) from the table below. These .zip files can be unzipped into the user's personal ado folder, and should then work if the user has the same version of Stata, or a higher version. If there are multiple versions of a package, corresponding to multiple Stata versions, then the user should choose the highest available version at or below his/her own Stata version.

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List of all versions of all Stata packages on this website

Package nameDescriptionStata versionDownload
addinbyAdd in data from a disk or frame dataset using a foreign key16Download
addinbyAdd in data from a disk dataset using a foreign key11Download
addinbyAdd in data from a disk dataset using a foreign key10Download
adodevReorder ado-path for developers and other independent-minded users10Download
adostoreStore and restore the current ado-path10Download
bmjcipFormat confidence intervals and P-values for medical journals11Download
bmjcipFormat confidence intervals and P-values for medical journals10Download
bmjcipFormat confidence intervals and P-values for medical journals9Download
bpmedianBonett-Price confidence intervals for medians and their contrasts10Download
bsplineCreate a basis of B-splines or reference splines16Download
bsplineCreate a basis of B-splines or reference splines10Download
bsplineCreate a basis of B-splines or reference splines6Download
bygapInsert a by-gap observation at the start of each by-group7Download
bynoteCreate a note with a user-specified format for use with the by option10Download
ccweightmodule to generate inverse sampling probability weights5Download
cgroupGroup contiguous observations with identical values of a varlist10Download
chardefAssign values to a characteristic of a list of items11Download
chardefAssign values to a characteristic of a list of variables10Download
ciformmodule to format confidence interval for tables in documents7Download
cprdcribsTemplate do-files for inputting CPRD datasets into Stata13Download
cprdenttypeConverting CPRD entity string data of any enttype to numeric13Download
cprdentutilConverting CPRD entity data variables to numeric variables13Download
cprdhesaeutilInputting CPRD HES A&E linkage datasets into Stata13Download
cprdhesoputilInputting CPRD HES/OP linkage datasets into Stata13Download
cprdhesutilInputting CPRD HES-linkage datasets into Stata13Download
cprdlinkutilInputting CPRD linkage-source datasets into Stata13Download
cprdlsoautilInputting CPRD LSOA-linkage datasets into Stata13Download
cprdonsutilInputting CPRD ONS-linkage datasets into Stata13Download
cprdutilUtilities for inputting CPRD datasets into Stata13Download
creplaceExchange values cyclically between variables11Download
creplaceExchange values cyclically between variables10Download
descgenAdd Stata dataset attributes to a xdir or xframedir resultsset16Download
descgenAdd Stata dataset attribute variables to a xdir resultsset10Download
descsaveSave descriptive attributes of variables to a do-file and/or a Stata dataset16Download
descsaveExtension of describe creating output dataset and do-file10Download
descsaveExtension of describe creating output dataset and do-file9Download
descsaveExtension of describe creating output files8Download
descsaveExtension of describe creating output files7Download
docxtabList variables to a .docx table with head or foot rows from characteristics16Download
dologExecute commands from a do-file, creating a text or SMCL log file16Download
dologExecute commands from a do-file, creating a text or SMCL log file15Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file14Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file13Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file12Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file11Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file10Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file9Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file8Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file7Download
dologExecute commands from a file, creating a log file6Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts16Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts15Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts14Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts13Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts12Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts11Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts10Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts9Download
dologxMultiple versions of dolog for executing certification scripts8Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log16Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log15Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log14Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log13Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log12Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log11Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log10Download
dotexExecute a do-file generating a SJ LaTeX log7Download
dsconcatConcatenate a list of Stata data files into the memory10Download
dsconcatConcatenate a list of Stata data files into the memory9Download
dsconcatConcatenate a list of Stata data files into the memory7Download
dsconcatConcatenate a list of Stata data files into the memory6Download
dsweightGenerate direct standardization weights10Download
dtastampStore current date and time in dataset characteristics10Download
eclplotHorizontal and vertical confidence interval plots13Download
eclplotHorizontal and vertical confidence interval plots10Download
eclplotHorizontal and vertical confidence interval plots9Download
eclplotHorizontal and vertical confidence interval plots8Download
esetranTransforming estimates and standard errors in parmest resultssets10Download
estparmSave results from a parmest resultsset and test equality11Download
estparmSave results from a parmest resultsset and test equality10Download
expgenDuplicate observations and add generated variables10Download
expgenDuplicate observations and add generated variables9Download
expgenDuplicate observations and add generated variables6Download
explistCreating exponentially-spaced lists of numbers7Download
factextExtract factor values from a label variable created by parmest16Download
factextExtract factor values from a label variable created by parmest10Download
factextExtract factor values from a label variable created by parmest7Download
factmergMerge a list of factors to create string variables11Download
factmergMerge a list of factors to create string variables10Download
factmergMerge a list of factors to create string variables7Download
factrefInsert new observations with reference values for factors7Download
fvprevarVersion of fvrevar generating permanent result variables11Download
fvregenRegenerate factor variables in a parmest output dataset11Download
gphepssjTranslate a list of Stata graph files to Stata Journal .eps figures7Download
gpresetReset Stata Version 7 graphics preferences7Download
gsgroupCreate a group variable and optionally an output dataset for a gsort key10Download
haifHomoskedastic adjustment inflation factors for model selection11Download
haifHomoskedastic adjustment inflation factors for model selection10Download
harmbyHarmonize values of variables within by-groups7Download
htmltitGenerate a document title variable for a HTML filename variable14Download
htmlutilUtilities for writing Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files14Download
htmlutilUtilities for writing Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files10Download
inccatConcatenate input files to an output file (possibly with insertions)7Download
ingapInsert gap observations in a dataset10Download
ingapInsert gap observations in a data set7Download
insingapInsert a single gap observation at the top of each by-group11Download
intextRead text files into string variables (without losing blanks)13Download
intextRead text files into string variables (without losing blanks)9Download
intextRead text files into string variables (without losing blanks)7Download
invciseCompute standard errors using the inverse confidence interval method10Download
invdescChange variable attributes using a describe or descsave resultsset16Download
ipwbregInverse propensity weights from Bernoulli regression16Download
jformatJustify formats for a list of variables10Download
keybyKey the dataset by a variable list10Download
keybyKey the dataset by a variable list9Download
kmestCompute Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities and/or percentiles as estimation results16Download
kmestCompute Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities and/or percentiles as estimation results10Download
lablistList value labels (if present) for one or more variables10Download
lablistList value labels (if present) for one or more variables9Download
lastuptoCondense a dataset to have 1 observation for each of a list of X-values10Download
lincomestExtension to lincom saving the combination as estimation results10Download
lincomestExtension to lincom saving the combination as estimation results8Download
lincomestExtension to lincom saving the combination as estimation results7Download
linuxlsd1Create a dataset of file records from the output of a Linux ls -d1 command10Download
listtabList variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table11Download
listtabList variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table10Download
listtexList variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table10Download
listtexList variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table9Download
listtexList variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table8Download
listtexList variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table7Download
ltopDivide a dataset into pages without splitting internal by-groups16Download
marglmeanMarginal log means from regression models14Download
marglmeanMarginal log means from regression models13Download
marglmeanMarginal log means from regression models12Download
margprevMarginal prevalences from binary regression models14Download
margprevMarginal prevalences from binary regression models13Download
margprevMarginal prevalences from binary regression models12Download
metaparmMeta-analysis and transformations using parmest resultssets8Download
msdirbCreate a dataset of file names from the output of a MS-DOS dir/b command10Download
normalbvrGenerate Normal bivariate ridits10Download
normalrirCalculate ridits of inverse ridits between Normal populations10Download
osgenAdd Python os_stat() file attributes to a xdir resultsset16Download
parmestCreate datasets with 1 observation per estimated parameter16Download
parmestCreate datasets with 1 observation per estimated parameter11Download
parmestCreate datasets with 1 observation per estimated parameter10Download
parmestCreate datasets with 1 observation per estimated parameter9Download
parmestConvert estimation results to a data set with 1 obs per parameter8Download
parmestConvert estimation results to a data set with 1 obs per parameter7Download
parmestSave estimation results as a data set with 1 obs per parameter6Download
parmestSave estimation results as a data set with 1 obs per parameter5Download
parmhetHeterogeneity tests in parmest resultssets10Download
parmparseParse a parameter name variable in a parmest resultsset11Download
pcontractMake a data set of frequencies and percentages8Download
polysplineGenerate sensible bases for polynomials and other splines16Download
polysplineGenerate sensible bases for polynomials and other splines10Download
powercalGeneralized power calculations saving results in variables10Download
powercalGeneralized power calculations saving results in variables7Download
predsurvCompute predicted or baseline survival after streg or stcox10Download
prodvarsCreate product variables for two lists of input variables10Download
punafPopulation attributable fractions for cohort studies14Download
punafPopulation attributable fractions for cohort studies13Download
punafPopulation attributable fractions for cohort studies12Download
punafPopulation attributable fractions for cohort studies11Download
punafccPopulation attributable fractions for case-control and survival studies14Download
punafccPopulation attributable fractions for case-control and survival studies13Download
punafccPopulation attributable fractions for case-control and survival studies12Download
qqvalueGenerate frequentist q-values by inverting multiple-test procedures10Download
qrisk2cmdRunning the QRISK2 command from within Stata13Download
qrownameExtract lists of quoted row and column names from a matrix7Download
rcentileRobust confidence intervals for percentiles16Download
rcentileRobust confidence intervals for percentiles10Download
regaxisRegular linear and logarithmic axis scales, ranges and tick lists10Download
regaxisRegular linear and logarithmic axis scales, ranges and tick lists8Download
regparPopulation attributable risks from binary regression models14Download
regparPopulation attributable risks from binary regression models13Download
regparPopulation attributable risks from binary regression models12Download
rglmmodule to estimate GLMs with Huber variances5Download
robitRobit regression16Download
rsourceRun R from inside Stata10Download
rsourceRun R from inside Stata using an R source file9Download
rtfutilUtilities for writing Rich Text Format (RTF) files11Download
rtfutilUtilities for writing Rich Text Format (RTF) files10Download
scenttestScenario arithmetic means and their difference14Download
scenttestScenario arithmetic means and their difference13Download
scheme_rbn1monoMinimal monochrome graphics schemes10Download
scheme_rbn1monoMinimal monochrome graphics schemes9Download
scsomersdRank statistics for scenario comparisons16Download
scsomersdRank statistics for scenario comparisons10Download
sdecodeDecode a numeric variable to string, formatting unlabelled values13Download
sdecodeDecode a numeric variable to string, formatting unlabelled values11Download
sdecodeDecode a numeric variable to string, formatting unlabelled values10Download
sdecodeDecode a numeric variable to string, formatting unlabelled values9Download
sdecodeDecode a numeric variable to string, formatting unlabelled values7Download
sencodeEncode a string variable non-alphanumerically into a numeric variable10Download
sencodeEncode a string variable non-alphanumerically into a numeric variable9Download
sencodeEncode a string variable non-alphanumerically into a numeric variable7Download
senspecSensitivity and specificity results saved in generated variables10Download
senspecSensitivity and specificity results saved in generated variables8Download
smileplotMultiple test procedures and smile plots10Download
smileplotMultiple test procedures and smile plots8Download
smileplotMultiple test procedures and smile plots7Download
somersdKendall's tau-a, Somers' D and percentile slopes16Download
somersdKendall's tau-a, Somers' D and percentile slopes12Download
somersdKendall's tau-a, Somers' D and percentile slopes10Download
somersdKendall's tau-a, Somers' D and percentile slopes9Download
somersdKendall's tau-a, Somers' D and median differences6Download
somersdConfidence intervals for Somers' D and Kendall's tau-a5Download
srslogitLogit regression with secondary ridit splines16Download
sscpaxDescribe, install, or uninstall a list of SSC packages10Download
stcmdRun the Stat/Transfer st command from inside Stata13Download
stcmdRun the Stat/Transfer st command from inside Stata10Download
stcmdRun the Stat/Transfer st command from inside Stata9Download
stcmdRun the Stat/Transfer st command from inside Stata6Download
strdateReplace string date variables with numeric date variables7Download
subsaveSave a subset of the dataset in memory to a disk file9Download
sysportZip system directories for porting to another machine16Download
textpadCall TextPad to edit a file10Download
tfinsertInsert text into an open text file10Download
vallabdefDefine value labels from label name, value and label variables10Download
vallabframeConvert a list of value labels to variables in a new data frame16Download
vallabsaveSave and load value labels and transfer them between frames16Download
vallabsaveSave and load label-only Stata datasets11Download
varlabdefDefine a value label with values corresponding to variables10Download
whichlistInput list of package file items and output lists of present and absent items16Download
wriditGenerate weighted ridits16Download
wriditGenerate weighted ridits10Download
xautoInput an extended version of the auto data10Download
xcollapseMake data set of summary statistics on disk or in memory16Download
xcollapseMake data set of summary statistics on disk or in memory10Download
xcollapseMake data set of summary statistics on disk or in memory8Download
xcontractCreate or extend dataset of variable combinations with frequencies and percents16Download
xcontractMake dataset of frequencies and percents on disk or in memory10Download
xcontractMake data set of frequencies and percents on disk or in memory8Download
xdatelistCreate ascending numeric lists of dates10Download
xdatelistCreate ascending numeric lists of dates7Download
xdir Create a resultsset with 1 observation per file or per frame16Download
xdirCreate a resultsset with 1 observation per file in a directory10Download
xframeappendAppend data frames to the end of the current data frame16Download
xglmExtended version of glm13Download
xglmExtended version of glm11Download
xgroupGroup the data creating a group variable and/or output dataset10Download
xlinkExtra link functions for use with glm16Download
xrewideExtended versions of reshape wide and reshape long10Download
xsvmatConvert a matrix to variables in an output dataset16Download
xsvmatConvert a matrix to variables in an output dataset10Download

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Roger B. Newson
Text written: 17 May 2024. (Packages and do-files may have been added, deleted or revised since then.)
Stata Corporation
Statistical Software components (SSC) archive site
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