Roger Newson's resource page at Queen Mary University of London

This site was created to provide easy access to papers, presentations and program packages by Roger Newson, some of which might not be easily accessible elsewhere. To view Roger Newson's curriculum vitae, click here.

Roger Newson's curriculum vitae

Papers, program manuals, presentations, and other documents

Some of these can be downloaded from here. Stata User Meeting presentations by Roger Newson can be downloaded from their own separate page here.

Some papers, program manuals, presentations, and other documents by Roger Newson
Stata User Meeting presentations by Roger Newson

Stata program packages

Stata users with Version 6 or above who want to download my Stata programs can do this from within web-aware Stata by using either the ssc command or the net command. (See help ssc or help net in the Stata on-line help.) Further details on how to do this, including do-files to install or uninstall all my packages at once, can be found here. Users who do not have an up-to-date version of Web-aware Stata, or who cannot or do not want to use up-to-date Web-aware Stata for whatever reason, can download my Stata programs manually from here.

Some of Roger Newson's Stata packages

Roger B. Newson
Date: 30 May 2024
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